HYDROZONE 2016 References

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Mouhri, A., Flipo, N., Rejiba, F., de Fouquet, C., Bodet, L., Kurtulus, B., Tallec, G., Durand, V., Jost, A., Ansart, P., Goblet, P., 2013. Designing a multi-scale sampling system of stream-aquifer interfaces in a sedimentary basin. Journal of Hydrology 504, 194-206.

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Pryet, A., Labarthe, B., Saleh, F., Akopian, M., & Flipo, N. 2015. Reporting of Stream-Aquifer Flow Distribution at the Regional Scale with a Distributed Process-Based Model. Water Resources Management, 29(1), 139-159.

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Tallec, Gaëlle; Ansart, Patrick; Guérin, Alain; Delaigue, Olivier; Blanchouin, Arnaud; (2015): Observatoire Oracle; Irtsea.